Milkshake has become the new tool of political dissent as protestors from the far left are baptising prominent right-leaning political figures with milkshakes.

The liberal left strike again as the political theatre continues. Tommy Robinson whilst on his campaign tour was baptised in a milkshake. Nigel Farage anointed with a whole carton of milkshake. UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin was the third to be hit with a milkshake.
All three men were victims of assault, and yet the perpetrators have since been laundered “heroes” as it was a strike, against, fascism, racism, and Islamophobia. But when did assault of the food variety become politically acceptable?

When bananas are thrown at black players, football is outraged, the racism screams from the corner and all across the media platforms, rightly so. How can the racial undertones of football has the alarms sounded? A disgusting act.
Arguing the principle of an item being thrown and its symbolic meaning showing a lack of common respect a negotiated space and a lack of humanity by those who have thrown such items.
Once upon a time ago, rotten tomatoes were thrown at comedians when the audience did not enjoy their performance. It seems politics has reached a comedic turn and it has added to a growing intolerant, polarised political atmosphere. That intolerance has turned to lactose intolerant. or a lactose intolerant generation of millennials.

Assault is assault and should be named as such. The weight of the law needs to come down hard, heavy and honourable. with impartial application irrespective of political leanings.
A milkshake being thrown at someone on the left side of the spectrum, in particularly a minority group such as a black man, or a muslim woman would come at dire costs.
Twitter Use Nick Parker wrote:
“They bring hate. We bring milkshake. They bring lies. We bring milkshake. They bring dark, money, gaslighting, fake news, violence. More milkshake. They are fear, blame and division. We are chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. We are #milkshake. Thank u for coming to my TED talk.”
The milkshake has now become a political tool of dissent, disparagement and disgust. Approved by many, the scenes are reminiscent of a small food fight in an American movie. Simply because we do not agree with someone on the right or the left of the political spectrum, does not ethically, morally or physically justify a milkshake being thrown at them.