PoliticsJohnson’s Round Table

Johnson’s Round Table


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Following Boris Johnson’s appointment as Prime Minster last week, where he gave a (somewhat moving in the moment) speech to inspire and motivate the country, he pledged to raise police numbers to 20 million in the coming years. Johnson’s pledge seems contradictory to his party’s history, with police numbers dropping significantly during the Conservative Government. As well as increase police numbers, Johnson wants to improve education by increasing per-pupil funding within primary and secondary school. While it’s admirable that Johnson plans to focus on mitigating the discourses within our society, the question which remains, is if he can get it done ahead of the Brexit challenge.

Logically speaking without guaranteeing a formula for the UK’s exit from the EU makes it a challenge, whether these promises from Boris are genuine or just lip service. Promises which go down memory lane, such as increasing funding to Northern cities such as Manchester and Leeds with “improved rail line”.

Having been echoed in the past northerners must be tired of MPmaking promises they can’t pull through with. Boris Johnson even asking the mute crowd for a half-hearted applause to his “amazing” announcement highlights the distrust.


 The Cabinet

Boris Johnson in his first meeting, alongside his newly appointed cabinet members.
Credit: Evening Standard

Boris Johnson made a rather large reshuffle within his cabinet following his appointment. Which has been regarded as worse as the “Night of the Long Knives” in 1962 under Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. Mr Johnson sacked and replaced 19 seats within the cabinet. With the formation of a cabinet that is very pro-Brexit, the new cabinet signifies Boris’ desire to have a cabinet that is willing to follow his vision.

“Night of the Long Knives” Hinted with Mr Johnson’s huge cabinet reshuffle
Credit: The Express


Priti Patel

Priti Patel-Current Home Secretary

With the makeup of Boris cabinet, it’s interesting to see certain players in the senior positions that they’ve attained. One being Priti Patel who is now the Home Secretary, following her dismal in 2017 as Secretary of State for International Development. This was due to her having unauthorised meetings with the Israeli government. Now back as Home Secretary, Mrs Patel plans to reform immigration policy, which may be radical. Hinting that with or without a deal for Brexit this radical reform will take place within immigration policy.

With policy being like that of Australia’s point-based system. Where to be granted admission to the country a threshold must be met in terms of points, from categories around experience, language capabilities, wealth, etc. A system such as this will appeal to attracting the best and brightest minds to the UK. But with the anti-globalisation message signalled to the world with the approach to Brexit, this strategy from Mrs Patel may fall on deaf ears.

Dominic Raab

Dominic Raab- Current Foreign Secretary

Another significant figure within Boris’ cabinet is Dominic Raab our new Foreign Secretary which unseated the former Jeremy Hunt after his resignation. Strange for Dominic Raab to take up the position as Foreign Secretary, having previously been the Brexit Secretary under May’s cabinet. But with his resignation as Brexit Secretary after agreeing to a deal he consigned under May’s government, is a mystery.  Now as foreign secretary a role that must be done with care and diligence which the PM failed to do previously now rests on Mr Raab’s shoulders.

Within a week, he has already been seen as controversial due to his views on a no-deal Brexit. He believes that a no-deal Brexit would make it easier to negotiate terms with the EU later. Which in this moment seems laughable, as if we can not negotiate terms now, how would it be possible for terms to be negotiated later? If Mr Raab believes that post-no-deal Brexit UK will be able to trade easily with the EU or sort out the Northern Ireland backstop, by frank he must be delusional.

With Mr Raab realising how pivotal Dover-Calais trade relations are, it creates the question, does he have a clue on what’s is going on. Having previously stated during the run-up to the vote that a no-deal Brexit would be catastrophic for Britain.

Dominic Raab caught out on his hypocrisy regarding a no-deal Brexit in 2016

Sajid Javid

Sajid David- The Rt Honourable Gentlemen; Chancellor of the Exchequer

Surprisingly, Sajid Javid who was previous Home Secretary has now become the second most powerful man in Britain, bagging the top job as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Having lost in the leadership contest in fourth-place. Even though previously being a Remainer but now a Eurosceptic, has an enormous challenge ahead of him. Preparing an emergency budget in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Funding the resources for the Prime Minister’s social reforms in public policy. As well as preparing the UK for the many years ahead with a positive economic outlook.

Having previously been at Deutsche Bank and making £3 million-a-year on his credentials. As well as standing back while UK Port Talbot went under as Business Secretary in 2016. And going on holiday whilst Tory MPs revolted over business rates. Praise for the Chancellor who is the first ethnic minority to hold this position. Time will tell if the policies that Sajid Javid implements will bring prosperity post-Brexit or calamity.

“The most diverse cabinet we’ve ever had?”

With the make of this cabinet screaming elitism, with majority 15 coming from Oxbridge and four from Eton. This doesn’t represent or echo a cabinet which represents a growing and diversified Britain. Yes, the appointment of Priti Patel and Sajid Javid is a step in the right direction and hopes that within years more people of BAME backgrounds get into senior positions within Parliament.  Fears for me is that people will continue to suffer at the hands of a cabinet that is drastically different from much of the UK population. Not everyone has been to Oxbridge, Eton or a wealthy family to sponsor them through their career. The claim that this cabinet is the most diverse we’ve seen is laughable and in fact insulting.

Joshua Best
Joshua Best
Joshua Best is a current PPE student within Manchester. Being of Barbadian descent, born and bred in Hackney, London. He is a individual which is very outspoken, evident by his views around politics and the economy. Being a man with many gifts such as drumming, and creative with his dancing, photography, and media production; shows he’s a jack of all trades. Inspired by his faith as a Christian and motivated by Apostle Paul, has contributed to his personal development.

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