In today’s day and age, it is no surprise when you hear someone has undergone a surgical procedure. Over the years, surgery has been looked down on and women or men who have undergone any changes are faced with judgement and ridicule.
The attitudes towards the procedures have changed, but it can be argued this is due to the accessibility and ‘acceptance’ as a result of social media influencers, glamour models and admittedly the Kardashians.
The ever-changing beauty standards seem to have been stuck in the same range, and the Kardashians have been a huge influence in beauty. The family has dominated cosmetics around the world and shaped social media ‘looks’. From the Kim shaped bum, lip fillers to be like Kylie to whatever else Khloe has.

Now down to ‘normal’ people – these procedures are easily accessible now and most of the time you can have them from 18 years old. It’s not shocking when you take in social media influence and reality television influence. Those so to speak role models who attract young crowds, seem to have some sort of job done.
Admittedly, in the UK, in 2014 the number of cosmetic surgery procedures performed was over 51,000 whereas in 2017 it was 28,315 but people did not always openly admit to having surgery.
But the change in attitudes to surgery are certainly changing and it is becoming more acceptable.
Everyone in society should be able to do what they want without fear of judgement especially when they undergo these procedures which can be deadly. However, honesty should be at the forefront of it to avoid botched jobs or going to an unlicensed surgeon for a cheaper job.
Cosmetic surgery should be an informative and educated choice not made through the pressure of conforming with current trends, because trends do not ever last too long before there’s a new in thing.
With the rise of influencers, more procedures are becoming normal such as BBL, breast procedures and fillers, worryingly consumers can be simple-minded and go off the influencers research and not do research.
When undergoing procedure’s individuals should be doing adequate research on what to expect and how it can affect them throughout. What the influence of social media proves is, people are going to alter their bodies and faces to make them happy and it’s not a trend which is going to go away anytime soon.
Get used to it.