PoliticsStarmer must unveil bolder policies to win over sceptics

Starmer must unveil bolder policies to win over sceptics


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Starmer must be an audacious leader to lead the Labour Party to victory in the next general election.

The party’s defeat in the 2019 general election left the party in a dire state searching for a strong and competent leader. Over the past three years, Starmer’s leadership has come under heavy scrutiny as many question his competence and direction.  

Whilst he demonstrated a measured and pragmatic approach to the party, his style and communication have been deeply criticised for lacking passion and charisma. A charismatic leader is needed to stimulate and energise the public so that a bridge of trust/unity is maintained between the party and the electorate. 

The recent by-elections were not a clean sweep for Labour as they failed to win the Uxbridge & South Ruislip constituency. The Lib Dems also occupied Somerton & Frome by a clean sweep. If anything, this demonstrates more work must be done to fully gain the confidence of the electorate. 

YouGov polls also imply a gap between where the Labour Party seeks to position itself for the upcoming general election compared to its current position. With 0 meaning one would never vote for the party and 1o meaning one would definitely consider voting for the party, there’s a 4.42 chance an individual would consider voting for the Labour Party in the next election. 

However, there’s a 3.13 chance an individual would consider voting for the Tories at the next election. Although support has declined for the conservatives, the Labour party has not drastically gained a number of voters; insinuating there’s part of the electorate that are undecided on how to vote and need clarity on the vision of the labour party. This clarity must emerge from the leader of the party, Kier Starmer. A figure that must uphold the party and provide hope for the electorate. 

Starmer must rethink his communication strategy, fostering new ways to boldly articulate the vision of the Labour Party as he reconnects with the wider electorate. This would strengthen the possibility of the party having a united front and an audacious leader as they gear up towards the general elections. 

Sharon Adebola
Sharon Adebola
Sharon Adebola content creator for the TCS Network. Sharon is a polymath and advocate for amplifying young voices in the political field. Being on numerous news platforms such s Sky and BBC News have invigorated her passion to be a voice for the voiceless and represent the concerns of her community. Two/thirds into her Politics degree, Sharon is keen to relay the political literacy she has gained to a plethora of individuals. Apart from that she is a Young Leader for the political charity My Life My Say and the President of King’s Gospel Society.

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