Lohan Tries To “save” Children From Being Trafficked
Have you ever wondered what you would do when faced with a serious moral dilemma? For example, what would you do if you thought you saw some children being kidnapped and you were certain that those children were about to be trafficked? Well, look no further because Lindsay Lohan has answered the question for us all.

The 32-year-old actress was in Moscow when she took to Instagram Live to show people a family that she had met. In doing so, Lohan introduced them as a Syrian refugee family that she was concerned about. Whilst still on Instagram Live, Lohan started asking the children if they wanted to come with her and saying that she would put them in a hotel. Lohan went as far to say “Do you want to watch a movie? It would be so cool to watch a movie on a TV or a computer”.
The actress was still streaming so some of her fans were sending concerned messages whilst others were more concerned about the fact that Lohan seemed to have adopted a new accent whilst she spoke to the family. It seemed as if she was “attempting” to put on a Syrian accent, whilst speaking English.
Of course at this point, the parents of the children declined her offer and the conversation took a nasty turn. Suddenly Lohan decided that the mother had been mistreating the children. She told the mother “You should not have them on the floor. You should be a hard working woman and you should be doing what you can for your children so they have a better life”.
She went on to say that “if someone is offering them a home and a bed, which is me at the moment, give it to them. They will come back to you”. When it became clear that Lindsay would not leave the family alone, they decided to move from where they had been set up in order to get away from her.
Unfortunately, this didn’t deter Lohan and instead she followed the family shouting down the street that the parents were taking the children away in order to traffic them. She followed them, still recording her live video and was telling them that what they were doing was “ruining Arabic culture” and that “the whole world” was seeing what they were doing.
Eventually the mother appeared to have enough. The situation appeared to turn physical with it looking like Lohan was either slapped or pushed and then she turned the camera on herself whilst holding her face as she said “I’m in shock.”

Her long-time publicist Hunter Frederick is flying to Paris to check in on her as sources are speculating that Lohan’s sobriety may be in question.
Let us all learn a lesson from Lindsay Lohan and understand that whilst there is a time and a place to be a good Samaritan, there is also a time to mind your business.